The Corner

Tuesday Links

Today is Erwin Schrödinger’s (he of the famous half-dead cat) 127th birthday: explanation, quotes, jokes, video.

Valar Morghulis: a statistical guide to deaths in Game of Thrones.

This is a spider’s brain on drugs.

Yesterday was Presidential Joke Day – jokes by, not about presidents. They’re pretty lame, but if you want a laugh, this video of a baby boy’s rapture over the sight of a remote control will make your whole day.

Could modern troops defeat medieval knights in hand-to-hand combat?

How to detect speech in the vibrations of a potato-chip bag, watched from a distance through soundproof glass.

ICYMIFriday’s links are here, and include the anniversary of the battle of Thermopylae, real-life werewolf origins, and some Guardian of the Galaxy science (what plants could Groot have evolved from?).

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