The Corner

Tuesday Links

October 14, 1066 was the Battle of Hastings: history, quotes, videos, maps, and links.

Who is McDonald in McDonald’s Restaurant?

What it’s like to carry your Nobel Prize through airport security in Fargo, N.D.

Faust, Mephistopheles, Napoleon, Oliver Cromwell, or a HugenotHalloween ideas from an 1884 costume guide. Related, chronologically: Moral panics of 1878: New York Times warns people about the evils of Thomas Edison’s aerophone.

The No. 1 Song the Beatles turned down.

Here’s a gallery of stairs that lead nowhere.

ICYMIFriday’s links are here, and include using Shakespearean insults in an office setting, the real length of dog years, extraordinarily accurate medieval maps, and flowers that look like other things.

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