The Corner

Twelve Things that Caught My Eye Today (Feb. 4, 2015)


2. Iraqi Christians form militia to fight ISIS

3. Reflecting on the burning alive of Moaz al-Kasasbeh:

General Patton wrote to General Dwight Eisenhower: We have found at a place four miles north of WEIMAR a similar camp, only much worse. The normal population was 25,000, and they died at the rate of about a hundred a day…I told the press to go up there and see it, and then write as much about it as they could. 

4. Cliff May on Aggressors posing as victims (Hat tip: Ben Weinthal.)

5. Vatican announces a Day of Prayer against human trafficking. More here.


7. A FIFTH of acne sufferers have considered suicide while more than half have suffered verbal abuse from friends and family. (I don’t know how scientific that is, but it is a reminder you never know what’s plaguing the person next to you.)

8. “For parents with LGBT children, Christianity offers an alternative to false dilemmas of affirmation or abandonment.”

9. For the “sure this isn’t from the Onion? file”: CREW files ethics investigation of Aaron Schock’s Downton Abbey office décor.

10. On “loving” to read. (Hat tip:

11. Tuition-free Catholic school nears reality in Scranton.

12. Today would be Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s 109th birthday. My Q&A with Eric Metaxas when his biography of Bonhoeffer was published.  

(And 10 Catholic things.)

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