The Corner


Twelve Things that Caught My Eye Today (Jan. 22, 2019)

Today is the Day of Prayer for the legal protection of unborn children.



2. Abby Johnson and the actress who plays her in the upcoming movie, Unplanned — the story of her leaving Planned Parenthood and why:



4. From a Cardinal Dolan homily in D.C. Friday morning before the March:

We acknowledge as well that, well, we have enemies . . .

They detest us . . . we love them;

They curse us . . . we bless them;

They mock us . . . we pray for them;

We invite them to a coalition to at least lower the number of abortions; to set reasonable limits, as the last Marist poll shows 75% of Americans want; to work with us to protest the choice . . . yes, the choice of a woman to have her baby, with sensible counseling, sonograms, and the provision of all the support a mom needs to hold her newborn, and they say no.

They are ready now to pop the champagne corks in Albany as the state already notorious as the most radical abortion state in the union feels driven to expand it even more, dropping the need for only physicians to perform them – – so much for the “health of the woman” – – and allowing a baby who survives the scalpel, scissors, suction machine, and saline solution to die without any help.

This is the culture of death, no longer a hyperbole . . . and they too have unity and friends.

They bristle at our perseverance, our resilience, our youth, our triumphs however few.  They will outspend us, out lobby us, caricature us, and hope to outlaw us.

They want to paralyze us.  Well, they cringe further when we smile and love and tell them we welcome paralysis . . . for we are then that paralytic with the four friends who lowers us for healing and strength to our best friend, Jesus, who says to us, “Rise, stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!”

Read the whole thing, though, here.

More about New York here.



6. Science has changed since Roe v. Wade, now abortion laws must change

7.  Kristen Hanson urging us not to abandon the vulnerable facing grave diagnoses:

Watch the latest video at

8. Yuval Levin: What happened to bioethics?

9. The beautiful message of Jean Vanier

10. Fr. Peter John Cameron on pro-life and evangelical virtues. 

11. A homily for today from Fr. Roger Landry on holding fast to hope.

12. Bishop Robert Barron: The Internet and Satan’s Game


An interview with the author of a book on pro-life apostles

Mark Bauerlein at First Things talks with me about the March. 

If you have not read or re-read Fr. Neuhaus’s will not rest, will not weary speech this year, some of it, with a link, is here.

My syndicated column this week, about the March.

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