The Corner


Twelve Things That Caught My Eye Today: Uighurs Slave Labor, Abortion & Down Syndrome, Prayers in Time of Illness & More (March 2, 2020)

(Denis Balibouse/Reuters)

1. Uighurs for sale — a list of 83 companies using Uighur labor, according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute

2. Mom offered abortion two days before giving birth to son with Down syndrome (UK)

3. Cardinal Collins (Toronto): ‘Instead of developing an overall culture of care, we are rushing toward death on demand’

Can we please not follow Canada’s lead on assisted suicide?

4. Lawsuit: Florida Clinic Botched Abortion, Threw Out Live Baby

5. Argentine president proposes legalizing elective abortions

6. Iraq’s health-care system is in crisis.

7. Fathers, Families, and Incarceration

8. Walter Olson in WSJ: Minnesota Bids to Segregate its Child-Welfare Agencies: No matter what problems they solve, laws granting different rights to different races are unconstitutional.


10. Francis X. Rocca in the WSJ: ‘Contagion of Prayer’: Italian Priests Stoke Devotion in Faithful Isolated by Virus

11. On the Paradoxes of Toni Morrison’s Catholicism

12. Prayer to the God of Life in a Time of Illness

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