The Corner


Twenty-Five Things that Caught My Eye Today: Hope & Despair in the Time of Coronavirus (April 27, 2020)

1. Top E.R. Doctor Who Treated Virus Patients Dies by Suicide

2. how Covid 19 is being deployed against the adults with learning disabilities

3. An Obituary for an Extraordinary Ordinary Man

4. ‘Is this another death I’ll have to pronounce?’


6. Two Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa’s sisters) in New York die of Coronavirus. Another, I understand, is in serious condition.


7. Ohio will cover costs for more than 200 children who age out of foster care over the next 3 months

8. As country begins to open, Italian Bishops argue against continued ban on Masses

9. USDA let millions of pounds of food rot while food-bank demand soared

10. An Arab doctor and an ultra-Orthodox Jew find common ground in a covid ward

11. Doctor balances faith, work in coronavirus hotspot

12. These Prisons Are Doing Mass Testing for COVID19—And Finding Mass Infections

13. At-risk youth keep clean, stay busy to cope with coronavirus

14. Baghdad priests donate salaries to the poor

15. Hope in the Time of Coronavirus

16. After Stillbirth, Families Search for Dignity

17. Immigrants Are on the Frontlines of the COVID-19 Fight

18. Military commission report recommends including women in draft


20. Fr. Paul Scalia: Easter Reluctance

21. What Christians Can Learn from Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’

22. 10 things you didn’t know about Phyllis Schlafly


24. Overzealous British library cleaner rearranges books by size

25. Six years ago today, Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXXIII were canonized saints by Pope Francis

And: If you haven’t seen it yet, you want to join the Sisters of Life Thursday night, if you can. Like many things these days, it doesn’t involve leaving your home. Or phone.


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