The Corner


Twenty-One Things That Caught My Eye Today: Adoption, Rationing & More (June 19, 2020)


2. Charlie Camosy: Yes, we rationed health care at the height of the pandemic and the elderly paid the price

3. The Washington Post: Hundreds of health-care workers lost their lives battling the coronavirus

Co-workers of those who’ve died have been left to deal not just with grief but a mix of anger, frustration and fear. Health care, after all, is as much a calling as a job for many of them; during a pandemic, learning a colleague or relative is infected or worse means an almost daily reckoning — not just with one’s own mortality, but also with a growing sense of powerlessness.

4. Expert warns child protection took ‘severe blow’ during pandemic

In the UK, there were nine million attempts to view child pornography websites in April alone, he said. In Denmark, the number of attempts to access child abuse material tripled under lockdown. In Spain, reports of online child sex videos have increased by 20 percent since March, and in Australia, downloading of abusive imagery involving children shot up by 86 percent in the three weeks after their lockdown began March 21.

5.  How the pandemic is affecting parents of kids with special needs

According to a recent Syracuse University study, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are four times more likely to contract COVID-19, and twice as likely to die from it… as COVID-19 began spreading, families of children with special needs had to decide between keeping their child in a group home and not being allowed to visit or bringing their children home to take on their care.


7. Rod Dreher: The Possessed

The identity of a culture, like the identity of an individual, depends on memory. That is, the things we remember tell us who we are. Statues and monuments are physical embodiments of cultural memory. To defile and remove a statue is an attempt to force the society to forget the historical figure embodied by the statue, and what that figure symbolizes. In Washington’s face, it’s American democracy. You cannot get a more iconic symbol of the Republic than Washington.

8. Wesley J. Smith: Will Doctors Be Forced to Violate the Hippocratic Oath?

Think about this for a moment: Rather than permit a tiny hospice to opt out of killing, the British Columbia government would rather that patients who seek traditional hospice care not have access to Delta’s facilities because of stripped resources. No wonder they call it the culture of death.”

9. Families wait for months as coronavirus delays international adoptions

10. Los Angeles Times: Adoptions delayed for months by coronavirus closings to get their day in court

11. The Atlantic: The Romanian Orphans Are Adults Now

12. Chris Arnade: Cops and Teachers

To truly value poorer communities, the wealthy, the politically connected, the rich, the elites, (call them what you will), have to view them as places to be respected, not places to be controlled with police, or as pools of talent to be extracted.

13. Why are Christians leaving Palestinian territories?


15. The Daily Signal: YouTube Weaponizes ‘Hate Speech’ Policy to Censor Heritage Foundation Video

16. Lindsey M. Burke and Angela Sailor: Don’t Give Civics the Common Core Treatment

17. Albert Mohler: Black Lives Matter: Affirm the Sentence, Not the Movement

18. Crux: Papal aide sees whole drama of trafficking in one Sierra Leone woman

Modern day slavery affects more than 40 million people worldwide, and the trafficking of human persons is considered among the top three illegal industries… Experts estimate that more people are enslaved today than at any other time in history.”

19. Elise Italiano Ureneck: A three-step plan to become a contemplative-in-action

20. John J. Miller: An African-American Saint for Our Time



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