The Corner

Uh Huh

Noah Millman’s post is interesting and well written. But at this point, I have no energy for arguing pro or con on Obama and McCain. Been there, done that. But I was amused by this comment to Millman’s post:

Thank you for a very thoughtful post.

There is bile and hatred on both the Left and the Right.

But the crucial difference right now is, on the Left, it’s the fringe.

On the Right, it’s pretty much the mainstream. Anyone read National Review or The Corner blog recently?

There, Mr. Obama is a gay Muslim socialist and terrorist lover who wants to shut down talk radio and kill and molest your children. And conservatives who disagree are called traitors.

And sadly, the McCain campaign is using the same filthy mud.

But Obama demonstrated astonishing grace.

This is, ultimately, why Mr. Obama will win: he is an admirable, thoughtful man.

We’re ready for that.

Ah, yes, all the bile is here on the mainstream right. I don’t actually have to run through the argument that everything about this guy’s post (except the bit about the Fairness Doctrine, to be fair) is deranged and billious, right?

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