The Corner

Unemployed Alleged McConnell Bugger Starts Legal Defense Fund

The man suspected of bugging Mitch McConnell’s campaign headquarters has started a legal defense fund to pay for legal fees because he is unemployed. 

“While my lawyer is charging a reasonable rate, I could use some help, and would be grateful for whatever you can pitch in,” Curtis Morrison, a volunteer with the liberal super PAC Progress Kentucky, said in a statement. “If there’s any funds left over, I humbly would like to use them for living expenses, food, finding a new apartment, etc. — until I can procure new employment, hopefully writing.”

He is hoping to raise $10,000, but is well short, having raised only $185 so far, according to the Washington Times.

Morrison was identified by a county Democratic-party official as one of the two individuals who had taped a conversation in McConnell’s office several months ago strategy against possible Democratic opponent Ashley Judd. The other man allegedly involved was Shawn Reilly, a founder of the liberal advocacy group with which Morrison is a volunteer.

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