The Corner

The Unfolding Wire

I think I’ve mentioned in here before that I love HBO’s The Wire and think it may be the best TV show ever made, at least seasons 1-3 (though 4 is better than I remembered and 5 is a whole different conversation). But what’s really freaking me out is the unfolding careers of its actors. Just last night we watched a recorded House and saw Avon Barksdale heading up a SWAT unit. Cedric Daniels is in Fringe (Oh, my short review of that new series: “Eh”) and he’s doing car commercials. I don’t watch Grey’s Anatony anymore but I saw in a commercial that “Kima” Greggs has a role there. I keep seeing Omar all over the place (I caught a CSI-Wherever, the other night for two minutes and there was o’l Omar). What’s even weirder is realizing the cast was in all sorts of stuff before they were in The Wire. I noticed recently that Avon Barksdale was the busboy who tells Jack Nicholson where Helen Hunt lives. I knew that Carcetti was the bad guy in Shanghai Knights. But I noticed over the weekend that Stan Valchek had been a ref in The Replacements (a film deservingly overlooked by the Academy which I like nonetheless).

And some of you folks thought weighty issues of culture were forever banished from the Corner!

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