The Corner

The Union Leader This Morning


From the editors: 

Obama also strives to win North Carolina, which he won in 2008, and where he traveled before going to Florida. This item was on his official schedule there: “the President will meet with the Jobs and Competitiveness Council to discuss initiatives and policies to spur economic growth, promote job creation and accelerate hiring across our nation.”

In office two years, shouldn’t he already have settled on “initiatives and policies to spur economic growth?” In truth, he has: Spend more money, pass more regulations. North Carolina business owners and executives met with the President’s Jobs and Competitiveness Council yesterday. A reporter covering the event for The News & Observer of Raleigh wrote: “Local business executives gave an earful this morning to officials in the Obama Administration about Washington’s stifling regulatory environment.”

If the President were really interested in finding some good ideas to jump-start the economy, he should have come to the debate in Manchester. There were some good ones. But he wasn’t interested, as they didn’t involve giving the government more money and power.

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