The Corner

University Apologizes for Mascot Wiping Butt with GOP Campaign Material

The University of St. Thomas ​has apologized after a catfight between mascot Tommie the Tomcat and the campus College Republicans following the large costumed feline’s antics regarding a local Republican candidate.

The College Republicans were manning a table on the St. Paul–Minneapolis campus with fellow student and local state house candidate Andrew Brown on Tuesday when Tommie wandered up to the table. The large costumed cat grabbed a piece of Brown’s material, and proceeded to wipe his rear with it before going on his merry way.

Minnesota College Republicans chairwoman Angie ​Hask tweeted about the incident shortly after:

Hask said the six students on the Tommie Mascot Team are supposed to “foster school spirit in a positive and professional manner,” according to their website, and Hasek called on the university to apologize for the mascot’s “distasteful” shenanigans.

“[He] is supposed to represent the community of St. Thomas, so we were pretty appalled,” she told City Pages.

The university eventually apologized for Tommie “inappropriate” action of “us[ing the campaign material] like a piece of toilet paper to wipe his bottom,” and said the student in the costume will be disciplined.

Here’s hoping Tommie and the campus CRs can get back to when they were on better, more amiable terms:

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