The Corner

Unless the Gulf Spill Can Be Stopped by Slick CGI and a Recycled Plot. . .

Why is the United States government consulting James Cameron on how to stop the Gulf spill?

WASHINGTON (AP) – “Top kill” didn’t stop the Gulf oil spill. How about something “titanic”?

Federal officials are hoping film director James Cameron can help them come up with ideas on how to stop the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The “Avatar” and “Titanic” director was among a group of scientists and other experts who met Tuesday with officials from the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies for a brainstorming session on stopping the massive oil leak.

The Canadian-born Cameron is considered an expert on underwater filming and remote vehicle technologies. “Avatar” and “Titanic” are the two highest-grossing films of all time.

File Cameron under “other experts” I suppose. In any event, for my money, Kevin Costner is the go-to guy for oil spill cleanups.

UPDATE: A reader responds:

As much as I loathe the man, he could provide some practical knowledge on how to best get accurate photos and video of what is going on.  In addition, I don’t know how much research he did, but the main characters in “The Abyss” are a group of undersea oil drillers, the ones who drill the holes and lay in the pipes.  And if aliens caused the break, then we have the perfect man.

Fair enough. Meanwhile, the spill claims another victim:

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