The Corner

Unlikely Street Art, Cont.

On Thursday, I had a post about a sign in Manhattan, put up near ABC News. The sign showed Hillary Clinton and George Stephanopoulos, and it was none too flattering (of either).

Heck, I even took the photo — of the sign, I mean. I’m thinking of putting “photojournalist” on my business card.

In the post, I wrote, “. . . it’s so unusual to see street art, or anything of this kind, target the Left, or target Democrats. My whole life, it has been the other way around. I feel this is man-bites-dog.”

A reader sent me a couple of interesting articles: here and here. I’ll tell you what they describe.

In 2011, a right-leaning business prof commissioned three portraits from a street artist. The artist drew the portraits on sidewalks of the Upper West Side (again, Manhattan). They were of Margaret Thatcher, Friedrich Hayek, and Thomas Sowell.

The business prof, Michael Schrage, said that he wanted to inject a little diversity into the Upper West Siders’ diet.

So, how did they react? Did they say, “It won’t kill us to glance for a week or two at these figures, and no ideology should have a total monopoly”? Ha ha ha!

No, they had their dogs squat on the portraits, etc. Anyway, I salute Professor Schrage for his imagination, his public-spiritedness, and his devotion to diversity.

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