The Corner

The Upside of Begging

It is an honored trope of the NRO fundraising appeal to say that we don’t like to beg. And, all things considered, we would indeed prefer doing pretty much anything else to posting appeals for donations. But I must confess that begging has its upside — in the extraordinary generosity of your response and the warm comments you include with your dollars. We always say that NR/NRO is more than a mere publication, it’s a family and a cause, and it’s incredibly gratifying to see such concrete confirmation of that. I just returned from an NR road tour of the Midwest with a few colleagues and we spent a lot of time in the car marvelling together at the contributions and testimonials people have been sending. Of course, this kind of response doesn’t just encourage us, it sustains us. Since we have no well-heeled financial backer and since opinion journalism is inherently an unprofitable enterprise, we depend on you and your support. We can’t thank enough those who have contributed and hope if you enjoy and value what you read on NRO and in NR, you’ll consider helping, too. Your support infuses everything we do here with an extra measure of meaning — even the begging.

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