The Corner

USDA to Americans: Get on Food Stamps, You Will Feel and Look Good!

This is not from The Onion:


UPDATE: There are many arguments in favor of the program but good eating habits is not one of them. In fact, there is nothing about the food stamps program that ensures one is “eating right” or living a healthy life.


Also, here are some numbers to put this ad in perspective.  When the food stamp program was first expanded nationally in the 1970s, just 1 in 50 Americans participated and it was helping truly poor Americans; today that number has reached 1 in 7 Americans. Some 46.4 million people are in the food stamps program — just a little below the record high hit in January. But USDA, obviously, thinks that more Americans should using food stamps.

Veronique de Rugy is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
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