The Corner

Van Hollen to Blackburn: ‘Come On, Marsha’

In a tense back-and-forth, Representatives Chris Van Hollen (D., Md.) and Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.) sparred over the House’s legislative efforts this weekend. The two disagreed over whether or not there’s bipartisan support for Obamacare. And when Blackburn said there wasn’t bipartisan opposition to the president’s landmark health-care law but rather only partisan support, host Bob Schieffer jumped into the fray.

“Well now, Congresswoman, that’s not entirely true, the polls don’t suggest that,” Schieffer interjected. “Polls say that most people favor it.”

Blackburn pointed out that two Democrats joined Republicans in the vote last night, and Van Hollen responded that two Republicans also voted with the Democrats.

“Our goal is to preserve access to affordable healthcare to all Americans,” Blackburn said. “Driving up the cost of health insurance — “

“By defunding the Affordable Care Act?” Van Hollen interrupted, smirking. “Come on, Marsha.”

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