The Corner

Van Jones: ‘We Have to Remember the History of African-American Leaders Killed in U.S.’

“We have to remember the history of African-American leaders being killed in this country,” said Van Jones, formerly the Obama administration’s green jobs czar, discussing Secret Service incompetence on ABC’s This Week.

Jones was responding to comments by Missouri congressman Emanuel Cleaver, reported in Friday’s New York Times: “ ‘Well, the Secret Service, they’re trying to expose the president.’ You hear a lot of that from African-Americans in particular.”

Jones criticized Cleaver’s comment as “unfair,” remarking on the incredible stress that Secret Service agents are constantly under, but noted that “there’s a big sensitivity in the black community. The minute [Obama] first announced, every African American that I knew above the age of 50 said, he’s going to be killed.”

“The last thing I want to say,” added Jones, “is this president has been threatened more than any other president, and he deserves a better job.”

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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