The Corner

Very Brief Response

Having said what I wanted to say about Intelligent Design, I made a quiet

promise to myself that I wouldn’t make any on-site responses to the

bazillion emails I knew I would get. There was one thing, however, that so

many people told me, I do think it deserves a collective response.

The thing they told me was, that in describing I.D. as “the theory that life

on earth has developed by a series of supernatural miracles performed by the

God of the Christian Bible, for which it is pointless to seek any

naturalistic explanation,” I was grossly mis-characterizing the “theory.”

I.D. is, these legions of readers told me, an entirely scientific approach

– statistics! information theory! mathematics!! — which has nothing

whatever to do with hauling in God to explain the unexplained, and which has

no connection whatever with that silly old Creationism. People like the

Discovery Institute, who promote I.D., are not religious fundamentalists

(they tell me), and are not trying to put God in the science classroom.

Nothing of the sort! No! Absolutely not!

All right, here’s my response: “Thanks for writing! Yours sincerely, Marie

of Roumania.”

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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