The Corner


Videos of Kids Celebrating the End of Masking Are Beautiful

Children wear masks while they wait for President Joe Biden to visit their pre-Kindergarten class at East End Elementary School in North Plainfield, N.J., October 25, 2021 (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

If you want something to cheer you up this Friday, check out some of the videos of schoolchildren celebrating the end of mask mandates. For some time now, those of us arguing for removing masks due to their detrimental effects on children have been greeted to rejoinders of “children are used to it” and the classic “kids are resilient.” Yet these videos of children being told they are no longer required to wear masks look more like V-E Day celebrations. This could and should be the scene in every last classroom in America, but unfortunately the CDC and many liberal jurisdictions that follow their lead are denying this moment to many children.  I don’t see how anybody with a beating heart can watch these videos and maintain policies that they know are useless. But beyond any political implications, the videos are just a pure joy to watch.

Here is a video of kids at a Las Vegas elementary school:

This is an older video of Israeli children being told the school mask mandate was ended that has been making the rounds on Twitter this week:

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