The Corner

Villaraigosa and Sheen: Partying in Cabo?

Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is coming under scrutiny for a picture that surfaced when, over the holidays, party animal Charlie Sheen tweeted the image, which shows the two at a Cabo San Lucas hotel.

The mayor claims that he and Sheen, a self-proclaimed “warlock,” had a three-minute conversation, after which the photograph was taken. But Sheen has a different story. “I memorize 95 pages a week, so the last thing that I am is memory challenged. We hung out for the better part of two hours, discussing his L.A. roots, his poignant bullet campaign as well as his 3 a.m. lawn-watering tactics. He’s a terrific guy, a great mayor and he can drink with the best of ‘em: me. Quite a memorable night indeed,” he told TMZ. He also said the picture was taken from his hotel suite. Sheen later walked back those comments, but didn’t necessarily say whether they were untrue.

In a handful of interviews, including on MSNBC this morning, Villaraigosa has avoided addressing the matter further. He may have learned a thing or two from Sheen’s, Spin City. An online TMZ poll asked readers who they thought was lying; a whopping 94 percent said Villaraigosa.

Below, Villaraigosa dodges questions about the encounter on MSNBC: 

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