The Corner


Voldemort Defends She Who Must Not be Named

Unlike other members of the Harry Potter cast, Ralph Fiennes, who played Voldemort, had something nice to say about She Who Must Not Be Named. In a recent interview, Fiennes told the New York Times:

“J.K. Rowling has written these great books about empowerment, about young children finding themselves as human beings. It’s about how you become a better, stronger, more morally centered human being,” he said. “The verbal abuse directed at her is disgusting, it’s appalling. I mean, I can understand a viewpoint that might be angry at what she says about women. But it’s not some obscene, über-right-wing fascist. It’s just a woman saying, ‘I’m a woman and I feel I’m a woman and I want to be able to say that I’m a woman.’ And I understand where she’s coming from. Even though I’m not a woman.”

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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