The Corner

Walker: ‘Austerity Isn’t the Answer, Reform Is’

In his vision going forward in both the 2014 midterm elections and the 2016 presidential elections, Scott Walker encouraged Republicans to hone a more optimistic message and to look beyond gridlock.

“Austerity is not the answer; reform is,” the Wisconsin governor said on Face the Nation. “In our case, I think there is a much more market-driven solution, whether it comes to health care, entitlement reform, or other areas, we just have to have the courage to do it.”

He credited the success of Republican governors, as opposed to their congressional counterparts, to the governors’ focus on “relevant and optimistic” issues, such as improving their states’ programs, including education and health care, rather than focusing on negative ones, such as “sequesters and fiscal cliffs.” Walker also said governors cannot afford to be in a standstill with their state legislature, unlike in Washington, saying that governors must provide a “clear plan of how to move forward.”

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