The Corner

War & Immigration

Here’s a note I received from Capt. Lawrence Indyk, a decorated vet, recently returned from Afghanistan:

Hello Mr. Nadler,

Boy, has it really been 3 years since we argued for patience? Since we said that, despite temporary hardship, the US would accomplish victory in Iraq with its new strategy, and that the Iraqis could make an embryonic version of a pluralistic federal democracy work for them?

Anyway, I’ve been reading your occasional immigration-related postings on NRO’s “The Corner” blog. I just wanted to say I admire what you’re doing. Keep up the good (yeoman’s) work and don’t get discouraged – there’s plenty of us out here that support similar views.

I personally favor a tightly controlled border (for National Security and Drug Interdiction reasons mostly), and a serious-criminal-focused no-nonsense deportation policy, but also a humane treatment of those that come here, though illegally, to otherwise obey the law and work hard to provide a better life for their families. 


Many of them and their descendants have been spending the last 7 years fighting bravely in our Armed Forces. I’ve had the honor of serving at their side. They are astonishingly loyal to our nation and hold mainly conservative views, but they will never side with a party that treats their illegal alien, but perfectly decent, relatives like the worst degenerate criminal scum and threatens them with family-devastating deportation with a “let the chips fall where they may, there’s a principle at stake” attitude. The chips are human beings, as worthy as any of respect and compassion.  


Best Regards, 

Lawrence Indyk

I am moved and amazed. Is “The Corner” popular in Afghanistan?

Richard Nadler is president of the Americas Majority Foundation, a public-policy think tank in Overland Park, Kan.
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