The Corner

Wasserman Schultz: Cuts Have ‘Priced Out’ My Aides from ‘High-Quality Meal’

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) introduced a new consequence to the sequester’s blistering cuts on Tuesday: her aides and their ability to get a “high-quality meal.” At a House Legislative Branch Subcommittee on an 8-percent cut to congressional office’s personal budgets, Wasserman Schultz bemoaned that her staff would be “priced out” of a good meal at the House cafeteria if they go into effect.

“The more that we rob Peter to pay Paul the tougher it is for us to compete with not only the private sector, but other federal agencies,” Wasserman Schultz warned, as Capitol Hill employees will not longer be able to have “a high-quality experience.”

Via The Washington Examiner.

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