The Corner

Waterboarding Is Not Torture

… at least not as it was administered by the CIA under Justice Department guidance.  That was the topic of my speech at the conference in Washington marking Accuracy In Media’s 40th Anniversary.  As I think Jonah mentioned earlier, the festivities were carried by CSPAN-2.  My appearance can be seen here (beginning a little over an hour and 16 minutes — around 1:16:30 or so– into the morning session).  If you’re prone to dizziness, you may want to skip it, since I spent much of it pitting Eric Holder circa 2002 (his scourge-of-al-Qaeda phase) against Eric Holder circa 2008-09 (his scourge-of-al-CIA phase).

UPDATE:  There’s now a specific link to my speech, here.  And you can find that Goldberg guy here

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