The Corner



I am going to come out of the closet on this one and confess that I find

Waugh the man more interesting than Waugh’s novels, which I have found very

variable. I have got more pleasure from the Letters, Diaries and

Essays/Journalism than from the novels. In fact, I’ll admit I have never

been able to finish BRIDESHEAD REVISITED (though this is the only Waugh

novel I’ve tried of which I can say that). I speak as an English boy,

though, strongly allergic to class snobbery. In BRIDESHEAD, from what I

recall of it, Waugh’s snobbery was utterly out of control.

Did you know that Waugh’s waste-paper basket is at the University of Texas?

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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