The Corner

We Probably Shouldn’t Trust Boehner Any More than Obama

Skeptics don’t seem to think that Speaker Boehner’s comments appearing to close the door on amnesty were sincere. (I know, it’s hard to believe.) Dave Weigel suggests it’s just “managing his conference” — i.e., soothing the barbarians while continuing to push forward with amnesty/immigration-surge legislation. Neil Munro quotes “several journalists [who] dismissed Boehner’s statement as an effort to fool conservatives.” Conn Carroll, meanwhile, suggests there might be a deal to move forward on amnesty in the House in exchange for the Senate’s acting on jobs bills the House has sent over.

This comment from a Hill staffer seems to summarize amnesty skeptics’ reaction to Boehner’s comments:

I don’t buy this for a second. This is to calm things down and get us to back off. I’ve no doubt that they’re still cooking a deal behind the scenes. He may even have some agreement w Obama where he enforces some random law and Boehner says okay green light.

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