The Corner

As We Wrap Up the Webathon . . .

Thanks so much to those who gave, and for what we are about to receive. The giving can be done right here

I’d like to share some kind comments that have accompanied the generosity of some:

With David’s $50 comes this appreciation: “Lordy, I could not have survived the primary nightmare without NR Online. Keep up the amazing work. I am not certain of the long term prospects of our civilization, but at least you remind me I am not alone.” Don’t worry, Dave — you’ll never walk alone.

Michael throws $25 our way, and reveals his darkest fear: “Where would the world be without National Review? I shudder to think.” No shuddering Mike, because, thanks to friends like you, we are going to be here for a long time.

Frank sees fit to contribute a sweet $35, and goes all Old Testament: “Long-time reader, first-time donation. Thank you for your insightful commentary. These are difficult times, as we wander in the wilderness. Perhaps this money will help pay for water and manna. I hope that it will not take 40 years to find our way.” Is it okay if we spend it on beer and pretzels?

Finally, Mark sends, wow, $500. And this praise: “The work you do has meaning. Keep making the case for conservative ideals with clarity, intellectual honesty and depth, and wit. I’m grateful for your efforts.”

Let us be the grateful ones. Hey, how about we be grateful for something you are about to do? Help NR. We rely on your support. You can provide it here

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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