The Corner

Wednesday Stuff

From Debby the OLG:

Upgrading the Prosthetic Hand.

The physiological science of a ball to the groin.

Homemade power banishes the bills.

From 1967 – Philco-Ford home of tomorrow.

Tucson judge tosses out breathalyzer tests in 49 DUI cases.

Space Euphoria: Do Our Brains Change When We Travel in Outer Space?

Boulder made from 5 million Legos chases Indiana Jones wannabe.

The 10 Craziest How-To Books You Never Knew Existed. (maybe nsfw – some written profanity)

Using brain imaging to diagnose ADHD and autism.

A research program that fitted toothless volunteers with sensor-dentures has revealed previously hidden secrets of how the human tongue and teeth work together to form sound.

Interesting Wired article: May 19, 1780: Darkness at Noon Enshrouds New England.

A lengthy discussion of hangover causes and cures.

Jet-powered bicycle.

US court: Paper money discriminates against blind.

Photogallery of bad tattoos.  Keep clicking “next”.

Soviet roots of breakdancing?

Nanny state story of the day.

Naked, lost airline pilot charged after search.

Sentinel chickens distributed to help spot West Nile Virus.  Sentinel chickens?  Anyone else getting a visual from this.

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