The Corner

Well, that was a pretty…

…shameful performance by The New School student body, but I suppose it could have been worse. Kerrey must be a little embarrassed. He gets up: “For those of you who listened to two speeches…one from McCain…the other from [the student], you saw two acts of bravery.” (Actually, it is very bad form to directly attack another speaker in such a forum–but I guess Kerrey feels he can only go so far in defending civility.) Kerrey says, in contrast, that in heckling from the audience, there is “no bravery required.” He gets pretty good applause. Asks if when students get older and someone is heckling, laughing or booing them, will they stand up for their beliefs? “Will you stand and say unpopular things?” A loud shout from the back: “You are a war criminal!”

Another: “Let’s graduate!”


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