The Corner

WH Chief of Staff: Obama Sees Amnesty as ‘Catalyst’ for Congressional Action

White House chief of staff Denis McDonough explained that the White House sees an executive amnesty order as a “catalyst” to spur congressional action on immigration, adding that President Obama will rescind that executive order if Congress acts to his liking.

“We, as a country, have been talking about how to fix the broken immigration system now for about 15 years,” he told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell. “And the recipe to fix it has largely been the same over those 15 years, we just haven’t had Congress getting it done.”

“So I’d prefer to see the president’s action on this as a catalyst for action in the Congress,” McDonough continued, saying that if Congress later passes “comprehensive reform in the form of legislation, [President Obama] will go ahead and tear up that executive order.”

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