The Corner


What a Woman Is

Twitter informs us that it’s #WomensEqualityDay! Hooray! Scrolling through the trending tweets, however, I can’t help but notice that some of the loudest voices celebrating this occasion are, in fact, the very same voices who repeatedly and aggressively denounce what a woman is.

Therefore, ladies — on “women’s equality day” — let us not be afraid to say that a “woman,” per le dictionnaire, is an “adult human female.” That a woman is — and again, ladies, we really can’t afford to be shy about this — a person of the female sex. And let us remember, also, that stating this simple fact — uncontested throughout history — does not make us b****es, or “terfs,” or bigots. And that those who insist that it does, do not represent our interests.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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