The Corner

What are the best books on terror?

According to David Pryce-Jones, in the Wall Street Journal on Friday, one of Michael Ledeen’s is among them:

The War Against The Terror Masters

By Michael A. Ledeen

St. Martin’s, 2002

Michael Ledeen’s was the first book to point out that terrorism begins at the top in both Iran and Saudi Arabia, where those responsible for taking decisions to attack us hide behind subcontractors and proxies. Islamic terror, then, has its rationale as a weapon used by hostile states against their enemies, whether open or undeclared. We aren’t dealing with crazies or criminals, or even the oppressed, but with cold calculators, some of whom, in Saudi Arabia notably, pass themselves off as our allies. The inability to analyze realistically what we are up against landed us in self-deception and muddle. Those whom the terror masters claim to represent are in fact their victims, and that’s what Ledeen, better than anyone else, has gotten across.

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