The Corner

What Brooks Did Tell Wsj Subscribers

TAPped criticizes David Brooks for quoting Keith Bradsher’s characterization of SUV drivers without noting that Bradsher claims to be summarizing auto industry research. Looking at the OpinionJournal version of the Brooks column, that appears to be a fair point. Interestingly enough, the print and editions of the article (subscription required), Brooks makes note of Bradsher’s source: “Mr. Bradsher says he is only reporting on what Detroit’s market research reveals, but thoughtful people are usually skeptical about broad generalizations about people’s souls on the basis of what car they drive.”

UPDATE: The OpinionJournal version of the column has been corrected.

Jonathan H. Adler is the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law at Case Western Reserve University School of Law. His books include Business and the Roberts Court and Marijuana Federalism: Uncle Sam and Mary Jane.
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