The Corner

‘What Defines a Family? We Do!’

This CBS News story is a snapshot of where the gay-marriage debate is taking us.

At a rally in West Hollywood, Drew Barrymore revived the old narrative that family structure doesn’t matter:

“Children need families, people need to love and we need to move forward, not backward,” Barrymore said. “What defines a family? We do!”

A rabbi calls the idea that marriage means a husband and wife “religious bigotry,” i.e., not religious liberty.

The headline of the story is Ted Olson’s decision to help bring a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Prop 8. I’m not sure the Human Rights Campaign is pleased. Watch and see whether, after the publicity and the fundraising, this lawsuit disappears. (Is Anthony Kennedy really the fifth vote for a national constitutional right to gay marriage?)

Support for Prop 8 has also grown over the last few months: “A poll of 600 California voters by CBS Station KPIX said 56 percent agree with the Court’s decision to uphold Proposition 8.”

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