The Corner

What a Mook

Over at Jammie Wearing Fool, this pleasant fund-raising e-mail from DCCC executive director Robby Mook:

We’re just $84,120 short of our grassroots goal before the November 30th deadline and your support can help put us over the top. The media, political pundits and our opponents will scour our fundraising totals to see if we have the momentum and the fight to win in November. Help us have a powerful showing.

We’re running neck and neck with the Tea Party Republicans’ fundraising totals for 2011. Their primary candidates have been strutting around puffed up like peacocks claiming they’ve got the momentum to defeat President Obama and control Congress next year.

Let’s prove them wrong tomorrow. Let’s show these foaming-at-the-mouth, 1%-loving wing-nuts that grassroots Democrats are fired up and ready to go.

I should note that we only “love” the one-percenters who aren’t major Democratic donors. And you’ll have to forgive the whole mouth-foaming thing. We’ve been spending a lot of time at Zuccotti Park. We think it’s fungal. We’re having it checked out.

(Hat-tip to AllahPundit).

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