The Corner

What Social Security Problem?

Living in the Land of No Consequences as they do, liberals never seem to be able to add two and two together and come up with something that bears a passing familiarity with reality. Which is why they’ll ignore what this news portends:

The U.S. birth rate plunged last year to a record low, with the decline being led by immigrant women hit hard by the recession, according to a study released Thursday by the Pew Research Center.

The overall birth rate declined by 8 percent between 2007 and 2010, with a decrease of 6 percent among U.S.-born women and 14 percent among foreign-born women. The decline for Mexican immigrant women was more extreme, at 23 percent. The overall birth rate is now at its lowest since 1920, the earliest year with reliable records.

Because, as the story (to its credit) goes on to point out:

The decline could have far-reaching implications for U.S. economic and social policy. A continuing decline would challenge long-held assumptions that births to immigrants will help maintain the U.S. population and provide the taxpaying work force needed to support the aging baby boomer generation.

It seems to me the pro-life movement is missing a big beat when it fails to turn the Left’s own tables on it and point out that the FDR/LBJ/BHO welfare state is only sustainable with a high birthrate, and that most of those millions of aborted babies since Roe v. Wade would today be taxpayers helping to prop up the tottering system, instead of being thrown out with the other medical waste. Unlike the moral argument, which is completely lost on the Left, the pragmatic argument might actually get a hearing. 

But this is the end result of the sexual revolution: a society that either prevents or annihilates its own children today so that they won’t be around tomorrow to take care of their annihilators. Which I suppose serves the progressives right, although that is cold comfort to the rest of us.

Michael Walsh — Mr. Walsh is the author of the novels Hostile Intent and Early Warning and, writing as frequent NRO contributor David Kahane, Rules for Radical Conservatives.
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