The Corner

What Would We Do With Your Money?

You may be wondering – I would be if I were you – what does National Review Online do with the money we raise through the annual PBS-like fundraising?

Well, first off, it ain’t PBS-like if we don’t get taxpayer funding. We don’t.

But back to the point: We pay our bills. We do what we do. We expand.

I have to tell you — not to whine, but to let you know we’re not wasting dough here — the team here is a frugal team on all fronts. This is the kind of place where execs regularly swallow cab receipts, buy sources and staff lunch out of their own wallet, and go with the less cool computer because they know we’re counting every penny when it comes to the bottom line.

We’re here because we know that ideas have consequences and we believe conservatives have the best ideas. We’re here because someone’s gotta knock sense into Republicans now and again (and again). We’re here to do our influential part to counter the insanity.

So what will we do with your money this year? We’ll get you the best 2008 election coverage we can. We’ll get our team to New Hampshire and Iowa and the conventions and equip them with the tools they need to get you the news, buzz, and analysis. We’ll get you more video and audio. We’ll bring on new freelance writers, make a few discoveries. We’ll do more of what we do, and better.

Thank you for considering making an investment.

Here’s the donation link. I thank you. We all thank you.

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