The Corner

Economy & Business

What Your Loved Ones Need to Unwrap This Holiday Season

It’s Cyber Monday, which is what you turn to after sustaining serious injuries while shopping on Black-and-Blue Friday. If you’re looking for gift ideas for friends and family who enjoy National Review, start with NR caps and t-shirts, Jay Nordlinger’s latest books, treasuries for children, and Roman Genn’s original art from the magazine.

This is the time of year where I ingratiate myself with my coworkers by touting their books. My colleagues are a creative bunch, with works stretching far beyond the realm of daily politics. 

There must be someone on your gift list who needs one of Jonah Goldberg’s books, Liberal Fascism and The Tyranny of Clichés. Or Kevin Williamson’s books. The boss’s books, from Abe Lincoln to a spy thriller to the Clinton legacy. Or Victor Davis Hanson’s works of history. Or Charles C.W. Cooke’s The Conservatarian Manifesto.  Or Yuval Levin’s varied works. Or Richard Brookheiser’s biographies of the Founding Fathers. Or Andrew McCarthy’s works on the jihad and law enforcement. Or John J. Miller’s fiction and true tales stranger than fiction. Or James Lileks’ hilarious strolls through the awful choices of food, fashion, interior décor that most would prefer to erase from history. Or Kathryn Jean Lopez’s How to Defend the Faith Without Raising Your Voice: Civil Responses to Catholic Hot Button Issues. Or David French’s Rise of ISIS.

Over on Amazon, you can find Heavy Lifting, The Weed Agency, and 2006’s Voting to Kill (available for resale for a penny, hard to beat that price).

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