The Corner

What’s in a name?

Speaking of finding a new name for the Fairness Doctrine, I’m not a huge fan of the Lakoff/Luntzian tendency  to mistake ideas for fancy labels. But as a matter of basic politics, you’d think Republicans would drop calling “card check,” “card check.” I’m not sure what the better label would be  — “One Worker, No Vote,” “Mob Rules,” “Worker Intimidation” or maybe something good — but card check doesn’t explain anything to anybody, which is why the unions like it. It obscures what it is. Partial birth abortion has the benefit of being accurate and politically devastating. Why can’t Republicans come up with some terms that more accurately and shrewdly define the Democratic agenda?

Of course, this is the party that willingly adopted the phrase “nuclear option” a few years ago. Then, again that might come in handy in the months ahead….

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