The Corner

When the Moose Is On, He’s On

From Marshall Wittmann :

Israel has a dilemma that is unique in modern history. When she retreats, she is condemned. When she defends herself, she is condemned. But, is it really a dilemma? Israel will do what she has to do regardless of whether is upsets the distinguished folks who are gathered at Turtle Bay.

No country in the world would respond any differently to direct attacks on her soldiers and citizens. What is is “excessive” is the profound hypocrisy of the international community.

It is fine to talk of diplomacy and restraint. But, until the world forces the Palestinians and their Islamic allies to accept Jews in their midst, nothing will change. And the Moose is not holding his breath waiting for that to happen. Like a Pavlovian response, the opprobrium of the world reliably falls upon the Jewish state.

At least in America, there is strong bi-partisan support for Israel’s actions. President Bush, and particularly UN Ambassador Bolton, have verbally come to Israel’s defense. Reliably, the center of criticism for Israel’s actions come from leftists who once again demonstrate that they are not just opposed to the Iraq war, but to any determined effort against terrorism even if it is a clear and unambiguous act of self defense. It is fascinating to observe this crowd that contends that this Administration is behind virtually every bad deed committed on the planet, but when it comes to suspicion of the rulers of Iran and Syria, they are willing to cut them some slack.

This week the Jihadist barbarians struck in India and Israel. Radical Islam is counting on the “civilized” world to capitulate and appease. Israel showed that she will act.

Good for her. Defend her. Defend civilization.

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