The Corner

When They Came for Our Freedom, What Did You Do? Did You Say Anything?

There may be a vote this week on the Respect for the Rights of Conscience Act. Activists are sending out this list of senators who should be persuaded to vote for it.

(202) 224-2043 – Kent Conrad of North Dakota 

(202) 224-2523 – Sen. Susan Collins of Maine 

(202) 224-5344 – Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine 

(202) 224-5824 – Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana 

(202) 224-4041 – Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut

(202) 224-6324 – Sen. Robert Casey of Pennsylvania

(202) 224-3954 – Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia 

(202) 224-6154 – Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri 

(202) 224-5274 – Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida 

(202) 224-2353 – Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas 

(202) 224-2644 – Sen. Jon Tester of Montana 

Care to make some calls? If one or more of your senators are already co-sponsoring or planning to vote for the bill, do thank them … after you make a call to one or more of the above. 

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