The Corner

Politics & Policy

Where Are the Gentlemen?

Senator Mitt Romney (R., Utah) speaks during a hearing on Capitol Hill, January 11, 2022. (Greg Nash / Pool via Reuters)

Rich is joined by a full cast for today’s Editors episode, and among the topics they discuss is Mitt Romney’s legacy.

Closing out the segment, Rich presses panelists to say if “a blatant gentleman like Mitt Romney will still have a role in the Republican Party going forward.”

Charlie is hopeful, Noah and Maddy say yes, but MBD isn’t so sure.

“There ought to be, I just don’t know who’s breeding their kids to be gentlemen like that,” he says.

Charlie agrees, reminding listeners, “One of the problems is not that our country is completely devoid of good, honorable, moral people. I think our politics is such that the vast majority of those people say, ‘I’m not going anywhere near that because I have a reputation that’s intact.’”

MBD points out that “there is a little class of patricians that have that noblesse oblige, but there’s a larger problem in the country too, it’s not just the patricians. It’s also military families are no longer sending their sons into the military. . . . Something is broken there, and it’s not just the political side.”

To hear the rest of this conversation, listen below.

Sarah Schutte is the podcast manager for National Review and an associate editor for National Review magazine. Originally from Dayton, Ohio, she is a children's literature aficionado and Mendelssohn 4 enthusiast.
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