The Corner

Where’s the Funny Part of the Deportation Joke?

If you indicate that this rubs you the wrong way . . .

. . . you get told to lighten up, it’s only a joke. (Back in June, Coulter called Haley “an immigrant [who] does not understand America’s history.” Haley was born in Bamberg, South Carolina.)

Help me out here. Is the joke, “Ha-ha, Nikki Haley is an Indian-American who said something I disagree with, so she should be deported?” Or is the joke, “Ha-ha, Nikki Haley’s parents are immigrants, so she should be sent back with them, because she said something I disagree with”?

Or is it, “Ha-ha, Donald Trump is such a fan of deportations, he’ll deport people who disagree with him”?

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