The Corner

The Whirligig of Time

Right now a frenzied mob on the Left and in some quarters in the media has been stirred up on the matter of enhanced interrogation techniques. What we need is a calm, careful review of the facts and the issues, which can be found herehere, here, here, here, and here.

We also need some Republicans leaders who have the courage and wisdom to push back against the mob. President Obama–the post-partisan, uniquely unifying, let’s-look-forward-and-not-backward candidate of hope and change–has detonated a debate he may well lose control over and which may prove to be deeply divisive and embittering for America.  More importantly, he has taken a series of steps that, particularly as it relates to our intelligence agencies and their capacity to protect Americans from mass death, he, and his countrymen, may well come to regret. We can hope and pray a future attack doesn’t happen–but there is reason to fear it might.  

We have seen how quickly public opinion and congressional opinion can change (witness where we were in early 2002, when key members of Congress, including Democrats, signed off on enhanced interrogation techniques and worried that waterboarding was not an aggressive enough tactic v. where we are today). It can change again. And actions that are being applauded now will be viewed as reckless and worse later.

The whirligig of time brings in his revenges.

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