The Corner

White House Posts Videos of Children Beseeching President to Act on Guns

The White House was quick to call the NRA “repugnant and cowardly” for allegedly dragging the president’s children into the battle over gun control. (In an ad released earlier this week, the NRA pointed to the fact that the president’s children are protected by armed guards, and asked provocatively, “Are the president’s children more important than yours?”)

President Obama, however, did not hesitate to bring other people’s children into the grudge match. In Wednesday’s press conference, he was accompanied on stage by children who had written to him pleading for gun control, and he quoted from their letters in his remarks. The White House has now posted videos of the children — you can see a select compilation below — reading their letters on the White House’s official YouTube channel. They share insights such as, “I think there should be good reason to get a gun,” and “No guns, no guns, no guns, no guns.” As Rich noted in his column today, this is perhaps why the reasoning of children should not be applied used to advance public policy. 

Policy aside, though, it seems the White House has effectively one-upped the NRA when it comes to pimping out America’s children to advance its political agenda. 

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