The Corner

White Nationalism

Mass immigration has all kinds of harmful effects, from bigger government to security vulnerabilities to slowing mechanization in low-tech industries. But perhaps most dangerous is that its the fuel that allows white nationalism to spread, helping deconstruct the American nation. There’s a piece in today’s Post on a white nationalist conference near DC — most hilarious is the left’s fulminating over it, hilarious because white nationalism just the logical corrollary of multiculturalism (“identity politics for white people,” as Ramesh wrote in a slightly different context). Now, some conservatives have claimed that immigration isn’t the problem, and the solution is to continue mass immigration but get rid of multiculturalism (Ron Unz argued just that, here, though last time I talked with him, his views on immigration seemed to be changing). That may make sense in an undergraduate bull session, but in the real world, multiculturalism and mass immigration are inseparable, and the spread of white-identity politics can only be prevented by slowing immigration, as Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain argued in The New White Nationalism in America.

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