The Corner

Who Should Be the Next Pope? MSNBC Panelist Pitches Sotomayor

On MSNBC Live over the weekend, New York magazine’s contributing editor Chris Smith toyed with the idea of Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor as the next pope. “Here’s a trifecta: Latin, female, American. It would do a lot of good,” Smith said. “That’s not going to happen, but it would speak to some of the issues about how the Church needs to open itself up.” He added that finding someone who “has mixed it up in the real world . . . would be a good thing for whoever is pope” and believes Sotomayor’s Puerto Rican heritage and Bronx upbringing fit that bill.

The other panelists our own Robert Costa and Angela Rye, former executive director of the Congressional Black Caucus each offered current cardinals as their selections: Timothy Dolan of New York and Peter Turkson of Ghana, respectively.

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