The Corner

Who Wants This Supreme Court Nomination?

Judge Adalberto Jordan has taken his name out of contention to be President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court. So has Nevada governor Brian Sandoval and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Each of these decisions, I’m sure, reflected some considerations unique to each person. But you’ve got to think that one consideration for each of them is that you’d have to endure a lot of negative attention and probably not get confirmed this year, thanks to the Senate Republicans’ decision not to take up any nomination. And even if Hillary Clinton wins in November, you wouldn’t be guaranteed a seat: Maybe she’d want her own person; maybe Senate Republicans would tell her it would be easier to get someone new confirmed.

Under the circumstances, it might make more sense for the Obama administration to put up someone who energizes the Left but wouldn’t normally be considered a top pick for the Supreme Court. That person might not make it to the Court, but could at least become a hero to progressives nationwide.

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